Treasure of Cutlass Reef

Rating : 9.2

treasure of cutlass reef is a game where you play as captain of a pirate ship you go out on the seas to do what pirates do best of course you won't be the only one trying to get the treasure so you have to fight the other pirates too but beating them not only reduces your rivals for treasure but you can also ransack their ships for loot too you get to upgrade your ship using the gold you steal from enemy ships After each battle on a certain area, you are taken to an upgrade screen to either power up your cannons, increase the number of your crew, or strengthen your ship. please make wise decisions so that you can sink everyone else and claim all the treasures of the sea the platformweb browser


A / D or Left / Right arrow keys = Rotate ship left or right
W or Up arrow key = Move forward
S or Down arrow key = Move backward
F, CTRL, or Space bar = Fire cannons.