Crunchball 3000

Rating : 9.2

all over the world there was peace and order around the end of the third millennium for this the government had to put in place some strict rules including the ban of sports to ensure the safety of the people all the people were happy with the peace and order but they missed the excitement and chaos of the sporting events so they organised illegal underground sporting events in order to prevent these events the government decided to allow one sport but this sport would be carefully regulated but it would also contain the chaos and excitement for which the people longed it was named crunchball 3000 the objective is really simple get the ball as many times as possible into the goal of your opponents and stop your opponents from getting the ball into your goal it was produced by espn arcade

Use the WASD keys to run in different directions, use G to throw/tackle, J to change formation, H to pass/ change player and P to pause.