Zena: Trial of the Gods

Rating : 7.9

zane the trial of the gods is a survival action game in which you must save the villagers and defeat the monsters on each wave the greek gods were bored so they decided to throw a party where a chosen warrior and people would be transported to a special ground for their amusement to fight monsters from another universe the main attraction chosen for the party was zena the great warrior take care of all your fellow creatures and fight together to survive the waves of vermin please try to survive for the longest time possible so that the gods are happy with your performance a single player or local co-op is playable with zena39's companion gabrielle deployerzena trial of gods was developed by sheepixel the platformweb browser


WASD = move
Move mouse = aim
Left-click = primary attack
Right-click = secondary attack
E = special ability
Space = roll
F = interact (open chest / give item)
Q = cancel / back

Gamepad Commands (X-Box)

Left-stick = move
Right-stick = aim
RT = primary attack
LT = secondary attack
Y = special ability
B = roll
A = interact (open chest / give item).