Oni Hunter

Rating : 8.5

this epic platform game has retro pixelated graphics and fun ninja-based gameplay if you're a highly skilled ninja you have been tasked with annihilating the evil oni organization and their band of warriors it is possible to control time and slow it down to skillfully take out all of your opponents in one flurry of attacks mark your targets carefully and ensure that you have a clear path to each therefore you must plan your attacks carefully and maximize your offensive potential during every encounter once you have removed the oni you have to return to the elevator to escape carefully this game has fun ninja gameplay and some amazing attack sequences and moves that are executed as you slow down time are you able to thrive as a ninja and eradicate the oni once and for all? Release Date
April 2018

Oni Hunter was made by Team Skurt: Alexandre Villiers-Moriamé and Antoine Destailleurs (game art), Guilhem D’Humières (sound design), and Nicolas Ceriani (programming and design). Features

A cool action game that requires a lot of planning
Beautiful pixel artworks and nice sound effects
4 type of enemies with a different capability

Oni Hunter is a web browser game.


Right click to enter strike mode
Left click to mark a target
R to restart level.