Let Me Eat 2: Feeding Madness

Rating : 8.2

let me eat 2 feeding madness is an arcade game where you have to control several fast-growing marine predators who are out to uncover a mystery the game aims to avoid predators and obstacles while eating other smaller fish and animals eventually reaching the top of the food chain in addition there are 60 new levels that feature scenery such as new underwater worlds coral reefs deep sea caves and sunken ships the game's story mode allows the player to control a small butterflyfish named bufi on his way to the top of the food chain bufi eats his way up while on the way the player encounters new prey and predators both friendly and unfriendly and has to stop a secret fish called the whoquot from destroying the ocean Release Date

Nov 2021 (Android and iOS)
September 2022 (WebGL)

Let Me Eat 2: Feeding Madness was made by Gate Game. Platforms

Web browser


Drag left-click = move
Space = dash.