Catcher on the Farm

Rating : 6.8

it is a catching game on the farm you're gonna have to stop chickens from escaping sorting packages at the post office and saving balloons before they float away there are five unique locations in the game each with its catch mechanics and increasing difficulty levels you must complete several levels in order to unlock new areas your first heart is three hearts and you can earn a medal based on your performances Hold on for a minute in each level to succeed. Release Date
September 2023

Catcher on the Farm is made by Artur. - platformweb browser for mobile and desktop

controls by clicking on buttons tracks or dragging objects you can control with the mouse in mobile games you can use the touchscreen In the first location it is more convenient to turn the catcher with the keys (indicated on the screen), the necessary keys are indicated directly on the screen. In the second to move the basket for catching chickens can be both arrows and taps on the screen. in the other levels you can control objects by dragging and dropping them in the menu you can press shift 0 if you want to unlock all maps without playing