Advent NEON

Rating : 9.2

advent neon is a fast-paced hyperactive 2d action platformer inspired by classic titles like sonic you can punch robot cops while double-dashing and combing them at lightspeed when do you think they'll drop you? Dash through them to freeze time, run circles around them, and wind up a satisfying counterattack. as soon as you reach 100 of your power transform and show everyone how unstoppable you truly are the adventneon39s have a focus on vibrancy responsiveness and freedom You have got simple, tight (and remappable) inputs, fluid and versatile movement options, and extremely fast combat to allow you to jump around and beat down as you want. what i'm trying to do is for the game itself to be so fun that you're willing to open it up and have fun whenever you want all the games and characters i enjoyed growing up take a ton of inspiration so you might notice some of that put neon into the shoes of a special android with the ability to harness resonance energy and rapidly scale in power the harder the neon beats the stronger they become until they become a nigh-unstoppable snowball of devastation the catch Neon can't maintain this power when getting hit, nor can they take a lot of hits in general. Neon is incredibly fast and powerful, but can only maintain that extreme potential when they're avoiding damage and continuously dishing it out. If you can fully maintain the flow of Resonance though, you will transform, and be able to let loose 100% of your power. Become faster, stronger, brighter, meaner, and greener as everything in your path struggles to keep pace with you in this form. Like Celeste. you have the option to use the dashed symbol twice get mad try not to do anything Counterattack through your enemies. the hack and wavedash jump can be cancelled if you wish take advantage of the platform fighters a fully fleshed-out directional move set with the ability to send enemies offscreen to ko them with a satisfying explosion was added to neon39s when you fight combat you can cancel virtually everything into everything else you can create your own combinations Hit, stun, and run. start this combination with a dash unleash a barrage of punches and stop time like it's a redacted reference use repeated dashes to take out enemies Teleport behind the enemy and end them with a powerful Break attack. You don't need to remember any optimal combo routes or buttons; just hit and don't get hit and you will win regardless of your playstyle. originally released in august 2019 the game has been updated continuously since then this is a demo of the game developeradventneon is created by larry boyd of cryogx please support the kickstarter campaign Platforms

Web browser


[Action]: [Keyboard input] -- [Gamepad input]
Move: WSAD/Arrows -- Left Stick/D-Pad
Jump: Space bar/C -- Bottom Face/Left Bumper
Punch: P/Z -- Left Face/Right Face + Direction
Dash: O/X -- Top Face/Right Bumper + Direction
Break Attack: Hold Dash + Press Punch + Direction (can also be done with the Right Stick on Gamepad)


Has full gamepad support
Remap inputs in the options menu
"Tap up to Jump" can be set
Gamepad Stick Deadzone can be set between 10% and 85% of the gate radius
The game is currently only playable in Chromium-based browsers, e. g Chrome

To ensure your gamepad controls are working, you can open a Visualizer for your inputs by going to Options -> Video -> Display Inputs. these will show the real-time inputs from your controller no matter what's happening in the game