Shaolin Sudoku

Rating : 8

a sudoku game with three difficulty options shaolin sudoku is an aesthetic game The game only allows several mistakes per play; try to fill the numbers correctly. release november 2020 android september 2021 webgl developershaolin sudoku is developed by animaxneil Platforms

Web browser (desktop and mobile)

Go back, close menu, open game menu

Keyboard - [ Esc / X / Numpad - ]
Gamepad - [ Cancel (East) ]

Click or press menu buttons

Keyboard - [ Submit (Enter) / Space ]
Gamepad - [ Submit (South) ]

Navigate menu buttons or sudoku board

Keyboard - [ WASD / Arrow keys ]
Gamepad - [ D-pad / Any stick ]

Switch focus between menu buttons and sudoku board

Keyboard - [ Ctrl / K / Numpad (/) ]
Gamepad - [ West / Select / Left shoulder]

Toggle pencil or note

Keyboard - [ Tab / N / Numpad + ]
Gamepad - [ North / Right shoulder ]

Input/note number in cell

Keyboard - [ Number or Numpad keys 123456789 ]

Erase/empty cell

Keyboard - [ Number or Numpad key 0 / Backspace ]

Pause game

Keyboard - [ ` / P / Numpad * ]
Gamepad - [ Start ]

Fullscreen / window mode

Keyboard - [ F11 ].