
Rating : 8.6

a fantastic platform game in which you must control a very advanced robot through a series of levels our robot has been rebooted in the center of the robot manufacturing facility you must guide him through the factory and dispatch any enemies you see as you progress firstly you have to pass a basic movement test to get used to the controls then you have to pass an evaluation to check your ability as a robot Be sure to move quickly and look out for the energy power ups (they look like a lightning bolt). work through each test and try to avoid obstacles such as mines that take away the energy of your robot retro graphics and music make this game great fun Release Date
January 2018

Dynamite Whale made MazeBot. Features

Retro graphics
Maze and obstacles in each level
You only have limited amount of reboots

MazeBot is a web browser game.


WASD to move
E or Q to fight or run.