Crossword Connect

Rating : 8.6

connect the letters to solve the crossword puzzle find bonus words to earn extra points and use hints if you get stuck this relaxing puzzle game can be played at a steady pace please note if the game is not working properly try refreshing the page using ctrl f5 how do i play crossword connect by connecting the letters in the circle starting with four letters in the circle if you find words that aren't in the crossword you will get a bonus point you will earn brilliance points for each level of crossword connect once you've played a few rounds you'll have a chest of coins you can use your coins to get hints by clicking on the lightbulb on the right a relaxing and peaceful theme the game progresses at a relaxing pace making it a comfortable experience for a wide variety of players in later years with the introduction of more letters and complex words the game becomes more challenging Game Tips
In the early stage of the game, save up your coins and don't use the hints unless you need to. in this way you39ll have plenty of coins for hints when the game gets more difficult use the buttons on the left to rearrange the letters and check your bonus words More Word Games
If you like Crossword Connect, here are some recommended word games to satisfy your puzzle-solving mind:
Word Search – find the words in the word search. Words could be forward, backward, up, down and diagonal. text twist - make as many words as possible with the letters provided before your time runs outsee our complete selection of word games at crazygames Release Date
January 2019
Crossword Connect is made by playh5. this game is a web browser game desktop and mobile as an android app it is also available

controls use the mouse or touch to link letters to form words