Critical Strike Zero

Rating : 8.7

critical streak zero is a first-person shooter game with amazing graphics and similar gameplay to the legendary fps game counter strike this is multiplayer fps gaming at its finest and you can really immerse yourself in the various maps and the selection of weapons it is possible to use weapons such as a machine gun shotgun and of course a sniper rifle to deadly effect if you damage an enemy during the game you can earn cash you can then use this money to buy better weapons with this reward system players are encouraged to be aggressive and try to gain as many kills as possible can you show your shooting skills and become the toughest soldier in the arena? Release Date
May 2018


Multiplayer 3D FPS game that is inspired from Counter-Strike
Many weapons to buy
Play against up to 15 players in a match
4 beautiful maps to play

Web browser.


WASD to move
Left click to shoot
R to reload
Space bar to jump
C to crouch
Tab to open menu
B to buy weapons.