Starbase Gunship

Rating : 9.1

Starbase Gunship is a base defense game to repel the invasion of the enemy's fleet. you serve as a weapons officer on board the ac-130 gunship of the future your reflexes and a bunch of hot lead stand between thousands of civilian lives and an alien invasion fleet Tip

Arm your Gunship with Lasers, Missiles, and a Vulcan Cannon
Upgrade your weapons to increase their firepower and range
Upgrade the Starbase with improved hull plating
Use Nuclear warheads to terminate entire waves of enemy ships

Release Date
April 2021
MythicalCity made Starbase Gunship. Platforms

Web browser

use the mouse or keyboard arrow keys or the wasd keys to aim press the left mouse button or spacebar to fire press the right mouse button or quotzquot key to zoom in press the xquot key on the keyboard the tool will allow you to see which enemy ships have nuclear weapons once you unlock more weapons you can switch between them using the scroll wheel on your mouse or the 1 2 3 4 5 keys on your keyboard press 'escape' on your keyboard to open the menu in the game