Antarctica 88

Rating : 8.4

it is a horror game where you are part of a rescue team investigating a research station in antarctica after communications went dark it's your job to solve the mystery a monster-filled game there are weapons to collect and puzzles to solve explore and discover objects to learn more about the story is it possible to open all the endings and find the whole story? has antartica 88 been enjoyed by you? Check out Horror Tale next, it's another top horror game. release june 2020 android and ios april 2023 webgl developerantarctica 88 was developed by euphoria games this game is a web browser game desktop and mobile a steam version is also available for android ios and ios


WASD or arrow keys = move
C = crouch
Space = jump
F = use
H = hint
X = aidkit
Q = previous weapon
E = next weapon
LMB = fire
RMB = aim
R = reload weapon
Backspace = hide weapon
I = add ammo
P = pause

(on mobile Joysticks and buttons on the screen. the camera's sensitivity can be adjusted in settings